
Architect 2.0

Make your competitors cry … or swear

Late Night Sneak Peek

Why are you doing this to us?

Dear Bestie,

If there’s one thing you must learn about tech it’s that it’s always changing. And if you don’t stay on top of the curve, you’ll drown.
Architect was the first of its kind when it was unveiled but now the themes, plugins and SEO bonuses are outdated and there are better tools out there for you.
Since I kind of love you … a LOT … I’ve decided to unveil Architect 2.0 which is better, easier, faster and prettier.
Normally, courses charge a re-admission to receive updates and support but because you’ve been grandfathered into the program, you get this update absolutely free. You’re welcome. 🙂
While you get the updates free, I cannot stretch my support staff between Architect 1.0 and 2.0 indefinitely. That’s unrealistic and unfair to them. 
So they will be helping Architect 1.0 Besties upgrade to 2.0 and will be focusing continued support on the updated 2.0 version of Architect.
Don’t like it? I don’t blame you. Which is why I’ve made Architect 1.0 available for you to download and keep forever on your own terms. Simply download each individual video onto your computer or hard drive and voila! You’ll never lose it.
Though I have a sneaky suspicion that, if you’re in love with Architect 1.0 you’ll be screaming with excitement at 2.0 coming soon. 😉


October 17th

October 18th

October 19th

OMG! What if we like Architect 1.0?!?

1. Download Architect 1.0 for yourself so you can have it forever

2. Download Architect 1.0 for yourself so you can have it forever
3. Download Architect 1.0 for yourself so you can have it forever (Yes, I know I repeated this 3 times. That’s how important it is if you’re in the middle of building a website to download everything NOW).

Want The Architect 2.0 Class Schedule?

Granted! Download the new course schedule right here.


You have 2 options.
1. Download all Architect 1.0 videos for yourself to continue working on them.
2. Wait for Architect 2.0 to come out to continue your website build.

Videos will be released each week for those with 1.0 versions to update to 2.0. So you can choose to make changes each week along with us to update or wait until they are all done to make all the changes at once. Either way, you’ll be following the same videos, in the same order, but you’d be able to Netflix binge them at the end if you wait.

Absolutely. If you’ve built your website with 1.0, your website will stay as is and functional while we update together.

We expect quite a few new Besties to come into the course with the new release. We want to ensure that any glitches in the course are worked out together so we don’t overwhelm the support staff. –Especially since we will be helping 1.0 Besties upgrade to 2.0 at the same time.

We are opening Architect at the discounted rate from October 19 – 29th this year. It will be available to anyone on my VIP email list.

You have 2 options.
1. Download all Architect 1.0 videos now so you can work on them while 2.0 is slowly being released.
2. Wait for Architect 2.0 to be fully released one week at a time.

Free for you! Remember, you have a lifetime membership and that includes updates.

If this is the case then I suggest you download all Architect 1.0 videos now so you can work on them while 2.0 is slowly being released.

Great question! Below each video is a link that says “MP4 Training Video.” Click that on each video and download them one by one.

That would be too heavy and would break your computer. Sorry.
It’s a complete rehaul of everything including a brand new theme built by our staff designed exclusively for handmade businesses. There will be screams of joy at the new software I purchased the rights for you to use as well. 😉

We will have step by step videos each week through the process as well as a full support staff to help you!

October 18th. I’ll be live in the Architect Facebook group for the unveiling.

Nope. Architect 1.0 is being replaced by 2.0. You’ll log into the same place to view it.

I understand. I didn’t like the 2,000 hours I put into updating it, but it had to be done. You’ll love me when your site is sparkling new and better than any competitor. Now go have a cupcake. You may need to cry it out a little. –That’s what I did. <3

© Renae Christine || Nae Cakes LLC || Cupcake Trainings LLC