Turn In Your Welcome Packet Contents To Get Your “Discount” For ____________ (bonus name)

Ready To Claim _________ (bonus name)?

Critical Video Instructions

How Much Is My Discount?

Your “discount percentage” was revealed to you in your welcome packet. Didn’t get your welcome packet? Let me know!

Remember, we do not discuss the contents of the welcome packet with anyone, including in our own __________ (course name) Facebook group.
We don’t wanna ruin the surprise. 😉

How Does This Work?

It’s easy. You can claim your bonus with your “discount ticket” in 3 easy steps.

  1. Submit your order from this page
  2. Email a selfie if yourself with the ticket to (
  3. Wait for your login to hit your email within 24 hours!

Wait ... don't I have to wait for enrollment to open?

Surprise!! You get in TODAY if you submit your form and send me a selfie of you holding your golden ticket.

What if I choose not to send a selfie?

Here’s the thing. You don’t have to send a selfie to get the login. But it really helps me out more than you know. I use it in this crazy big huge collage of all my students. You don’t wanna be missing from that!

How can I properly thank you for this?

Thanks for thinking of me. 🙂 The best way to thank me is to welcome new students into our Facebook group and tell them that this course was the best money you ever spent.

This, in return, helps me to make you more free trainings!

Ready To Get Your Free Welcome Packet?

Copyright © ____________ (name, company name)