_________ (name) needs to physically mail you a welcome packet. –It’s not digital.

This Is The Ultimate Secret of _________ (course name)

A Secret As Deep As Santa Claus

The secret of the ___________ (course name) welcome packet goes back to the start of the course. The students inside had no idea what was being mailed to them.

All they were asked in return for this welcome packet, was to keep the sacred secret of the welcome packet. In other words, never divulge what’s inside it.
This also goes for our own __________ (course name) Facebook group. 
Do not discuss what’s inside the welcome packet with other members … ever.
You don’t want to spoil the surprise for someone else coming into the course.
That would be as tragic as discovering the Santa Claus secret in some awful way.

What's in the Welcome Packet?

Can’t say. But it’s had these effects on other students

  • Other students have physically cried when receiving the welcome packet
  • Mailmen have been officially stalked for this welcome packet
  • Screaming with excitement has ensued after seeing what’s inside
  • Selfies are taken with the contents of this welcome packet
  • Even the most skeptical admit they thought this was all drama, then cried

Wait ... are you trying to sell me something else?

No. The welcome packet is all bonus. You’ve already paid for ___________ (course name). This physically mailed packet is just my way of saying thanks for trusting me to be your olympic coach.

What if I choose not to get the welcome packet?

Scared? I don’t blame you. But if you choose not to get it. You’re going to see others in the Facebook group get there’s. You’ll see their reactions, but you won’t see what’s inside it. Because everyone who gets the welcome packet is sworn to secrecy of it’s contents.

You seem to really be pushing this welcome packet. Is it really free?

I want you to have this so badly that I’ll foot the bill for the packet and also for shipping. This is one of those things that … I just like to feel like Oprah, ok? 

Trust me for once. It’s free. No gimmicks. No upsells. You’ll cry if you don’t get it.

Ready To Get Your Free Welcome Packet?

Copyright © ____________ (name, company name)